Our evidence-based approach means that we measure welfare by integrating the latest scientific knowledge. We also play our part by feeding our findings back into the field, and publish regularly in international journals, books, and conference forums.
Paper published in Applied Animal Behavior Science:
Rust, K., Clegg, I. L. K. & Fernandez, E. J. (2024) The voice of choice: a scoping review of choice-based animal welfare study. Applied Animal Behavior Science, Article no. 106270
If you are unable to access any of the following publications please do for copies.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Rust, K., Clegg, I. L. K. & Fernandez, E. J. (2024) The voice of choice: a scoping review of choice-based animal welfare study. Applied Animal Behavior Science, Article no. 106270
Bloomfield, L. S., Tracey, C., Mbabazi, E., Schultz, R. L., Henderson, R., Bardosh, K., & Paige, S. (2022). Research Participation Influences Willingness to Reduce Zoonotic Exposure in Uganda. EcoHealth, 1-16.
Tidière, Morgane; Colchero, Fernando ; Staerk, Johanna; Adkesson, Michael J.; Andersen, Ditte H.; Bland, Lucie; Böye, Martin; Brando, Sabrina; Clegg, Isabella; Cubaynes, Sarah; Cutting, Amy; De Man, Danny; Derocher, Andrew; Dorsey, Candice; Elgar, William; Gaglione, Eric; Hansen, Kirstin; Jungheim, Allison; Kok, José; Laule, Gail; Lopez Goya, Agustín; Miller, Lance; Monreal-Pawlowsky, Tania; Mucha, Katelyn; Owen, Megan A.; Petersen, Stephen D; Pilfold, Nicholas; Richardson, Douglas; Richardson, Evan; Sabo, Devon; Sato, Nobutaka; Shellabarger, Wynona; Skovlund, Cecilie; Tomisawa, Kanako; Trautwein, Sandra; Van Bonn, William; Van Elk, Cornelis; Von Fersen, Lorenzo; Wahlberg, Magnus; Zhang, Peijun; Zhang, Xianfeng; Conde, Dalia A. Survival improvements of zoo-held marine mammals mirror historical advances in human longevity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2009), 20231895
Clegg, I. L. K. (2021) What Does the Future Hold for the Public Display of Cetaceans? Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, 1–39, doi:10.1163/25889567-bja10023
Clegg, I. L. K., Boys, R. M., & Stockin, K. A. (2021). Increasing the Awareness of Animal Welfare Science in Marine Mammal Conservation: Addressing Language, Translation and Reception Issues. Animals, 11(6), 1596.
Clegg, I.L.K., Rödel, H.G., Mercera, B., van der Heul, S., Schrijvers, T., de Laender, P., Gojceta, R., Zimmitti, M., Verhoeven, E., Burger, J. and Bunskoek, P.E., 2019. Dolphins’ willingness to participate (WtP) in positive reinforcement training as a potential welfare indicator, where WtP predicts early changes in health status. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2112.
Clegg, I. L. K. & Delfour, F. (2018). Can we assess marine mammal welfare in captivity and in the wild? Considering the example of bottlenose dolphins. Aquatic Mammals. 44, 181-200
Clegg, I. L. K. & Delfour, F. (2018). Cognitive judgement bias is associated with frequency of anticipatory behaviour in bottlenose dolphins. Zoo Biology, 37, 67-73
Clegg, I. L. K., Rödel, H. G., Boivin, X. & Delfour, F. (2018). Looking forward to interacting with familiar humans: dolphins’ anticipatory behaviour indicates their motivation to participate in specific events. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 22, 85-93
Clegg, I. L. K., Rödel, H. G., Cellier, M., Vink, D., Michaud, I., Mercera, B., Böye, M., Hausberger, M., Lemasson, A. & Delfour, F. (2017). Schedule of human-controlled periods structures bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) behavior in their free-time. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 131(3), 214-224.
Clegg, I. L. K., van Elk, C. E., & Delfour, F. (2017). Applying welfare science to bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Animal Welfare, 26, 165-176.
Clegg, I. L. K., Rödel, H. G. & Delfour, F. (2017). Bottlenose dolphins engaging in more social affiliative behaviour judge ambiguous cues more optimistically. Behavioural Brain Research, 322, 115-122.
Clegg, I. L. K., Borger-Turner, J. L., & Eskelinen, H. C. (2015). C-Well: The development of a welfare assessment index for captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Animal Welfare, 24(3), 267-282.
Ardente, A., Schultz, R.L., and Toddes, B., (2023) Nutrition of Juvenile Exotic Companion Animals. Veterinary Clinics of North America.
Clegg, I. L. K., & Butterworth, A. (2017). Assessing the Welfare of Cetacea. In A. Butterworth (Ed.), Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare (pp. 183–214). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Clegg, I. L. K., & Butterworth, A. (2017). Assessing the Welfare of Pinnipeds. In A. Butterworth (Ed.), Marine Mammal Welfare: Human Induced Change in the Marine Environment and its Impacts on Marine Mammal Welfare (pp. 273–298). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Clegg, I. L. K., Borger-Turner, J. L., & Eskelinen, H. C. (2017). Measuring Cetacean Welfare. Soundings- Magazine of the International Marine Animal Trainers’ Association. Volume 42, No. 2
Butterworth, A., Clegg, I., & Bass, C. (2012). Untangled–marine debris: a global picture of the impact on animal welfare and of animal-focused solutions. WSPA, London, 75.
Clegg, I. L. K. (2017). Developing welfare parameters for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under human care. Doctoral dissertation, 217pp. Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France.
Clegg, I. L. K. (2013). Establishing a welfare assessment for captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Masters dissertation, 169pp. University of Miami, USA.
Clegg, I. L. K. (2018, April). The first indicators of bottlenose dolphin welfare, and the next steps towards practical assessment. Co-chair with K. Stockin: Welfare in the Wild: Welfare Science – Current Understanding and Next Steps to assessment and application. European Cetacean Society 32nd Annual Conference. 6 April 2018, La Spezia, Italy
Clegg, I. L. K. (2018, March). The first indicators of bottlenose dolphin welfare, and the next steps towards practical assessment. Keynote speaker at the Animal Welfare: Assessment & Indicators Workshop at the EAAM 46th Annual Conference. 12th March 2018. Zoomarine Rome, Italy
Clegg, I. L. K., (2017, September). How can we measure dolphin welfare? Developing practical assessments and valid indicators. Keynote speaker at “Bottlenose dolphin workshop - An overview of studies, alternatives and criteria to be considered when a captive facility closes”, organised by SUBMON and Barcelona City Hall. 14-16th September, Barcelona.
Clegg, I. L. K. (2016, May). Keynote speaker: “The C-Well® assessment as a dolphin welfare framework and Conducting research to find objective measures of dolphin welfare”. At Nuremberg Zoo, in collaboration with the European Association for Aquatic Mammals, European Association for Zoos and Aquariums, and Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ), and the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety: “Scientific and Practical Development of Objective Indicator Approach to Assessment of Welfare of Marine Mammal Species in Zoological Parks”. 4 May 2016.
Feb 2024 : Poster presentation at the EAZA Animal Welfare Forum
Schultz, R., The implications of managed care for western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) nutrition, physiology, and cardiovascular health. Poster presentation for the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums Animal Welfare Forum.
See the presentation here!
March 2023 : Poster presentation at the IMATA and ABMA conference
Schultz, R., and Clegg, I., Beyond Cetaceans: The C-Well Assessment and its applications for other species. Poster presentation and First Place Poster award for the International Marine Animal Trainers Association and Animal Behavior Management Alliance joint conference, Atlanta, GA.
See the presentation here!
Mar 2020 : Presentation for EAZA Welfare Webinar
Clegg, I. L. K (2021, March) “How to take your welfare program to the next level: the C-Well dolphin assessment as an example of a species-specific tool, and AnimalCare Software's cloud-based welfare platform”. EAZA Animal Welfare Webinars, 1 March 2021
See the presentation here!
Dec 2019 : Poster presentation at the World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona
Clegg, I. L. K., (2019, December) The Latest Findings On Cetacean Welfare In Captivity (And How It Links To Wild Research And Conservation). 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference, 9th – 12th December 2019: Barcelona, Spain.
Read the poster here!